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The hssi application provides a means of interacting with the 10G, 100G, and 200G/400F HE-HSSI AFUs. In all operating modes, the application initializes the AFU and completes the desired transfer as described by the mode- specific options.

COMMON_OPTIONS - application options common to the 10G, 100g, and 200G/400G modes.

-h, --help

Display common command-line help and exit.

-p, --pci-address ADDR

The PCIe address of the desired accelerator in ssss:bb:dd.f format.

-s, --shared on|off

Whether to open the accelerator in shared mode. The default is off.

-t, --timeout VALUE

The application timeout value in milliseconds. The default timeout is 60000 msec.

MODE - select AFU. Valid values are hssi_10g, hssi_100g, hssi_200g_400g.

MODE_OPTIONS [hssi_10g] - application options specific to the 10G AFU.

-h, --help

Display 10G AFU specific command-line help and exit.

--port PORT

Select the QSFP port in the range 0-7. The default is port 0.

--eth-loopback on|off

Whether to enable loopback on the ethernet interface. Valid values are
on and off. The default is on.

--num-packets PACKETS

The number of packets to transfer. The default is 1 packet.

--random-length fixed|random

Specify packet length randomization. Valid values are fixed and
random. The default is fixed (no randomization).

--random-payload incremental|random

Specify payload randomization. Valid values are incremental and
random. The default is incremental.

--packet-length LENGTH

Specify packet length. The default is 64 bytes.

--src-addr ADDR

Specify the source MAC address. The default value is 11:22:33:44:55:66.

--dest-addr ADDR

Specify the destination MAC address. The default value is 77:88:99:aa:bb:cc.

--rnd-seed0 SEED0

Specify the prbs generator bits [31:0]. The default is 1592590336.

--rnd-seed1 SEED1

Specify the prbs generator bits [47:32]. The default is 1592590337.

--rnd-seed2 SEED2

Specify the prbs generator bits [91:64]. The default is 155373.

MODE_OPTIONS [hssi_100g] - application options specific to the 100G AFU.

--port PORT

Select the QSFP port in the range 0-7. The default is port 0.

--eth-loopback on|off

Whether to enable loopback on the ethernet interface. Valid values are
on and off. The default is on.

--num-packets PACKETS

The number of packets to transfer. The default is 1 packet.

--gap random|none

Inter-packet gap. Valid values are random and none. The default is none.

--pattern random|fixed|increment

Pattern mode. Valid values are random, fixed, or increment. The default
is random.

--src-addr ADDR

Specify the source MAC address. The default value is 11:22:33:44:55:66.

--dest-addr ADDR

Specify the destination MAC address. The default value is 77:88:99:aa:bb:cc.

--start-size SIZE

Specify the packet size in bytes, or the first packet size for --pattern increment.

--end-size SIZE

Specify the end packet size in bytes.

--end-select pkt_num|gen_idle

Specify packet generation end mode.

MODE_OPTIONS [pkt_filt_10g] - application options specific to the Packet Filter 10G AFU.

--dfl-dev DFL_DEV

Packet Filter DFL device, eg --dfl-dev dfl_dev.0

MODE_OPTIONS [pkt_filt_100g] - application options specific to the Packet Filter 100G AFU.

--dfl-dev DFL_DEV

Packet Filter DFL device, eg --dfl-dev dfl_dev.1

MODE_OPTIONS [hssi_200g_400g] - application options specific to the 200G/400G AFU.

--num-packets PACKETS

The number of packets to transfer. Must be a multiple of 32. Default value is 32. Increasing the timeout (--timeout) may be necessary if specifying a large number of packets.


hssi -h
hssi hssi_10g -h
sudo hssi --pci-address=0000:3b:00.0 hssi_10g --eth-loopback=on --num-packets=500
sudo hssi --pci-address=0000:3b:00.0 hssi_100g --pattern=increment
sudo hssi --pci-address=0000:0d:00.6 hssi_200g_400g --num-packets=640000

Last update: May 25, 2024
Created: May 25, 2024