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The table below provides a comprehensive list of Altera demonstrations. Demos are self-contained RTL, software or incomplete designs that demonstrate a concept.

  • Demos Repository provides direct link to repository containing hardware source code and release.
  • Supported Devices column indicates the demos device targets. A listing of "All" means that this demo can be run on any device family.
  • Development Kit Target lists development kits on which the demonstration is tested.
  • Summary provides a short description of the demonstration.
  • Documentation column provides a link to corresponding user documentation.

You can use the filter fields to narrow your search.

Demos Repository Supported Device(s) Development Kit Target Summary Documentation
HPS-FPGA Interface Demos Agilex 5 * Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit
* Third Party Boards
Shows how users can implement and interact with the various hardware interfaces between the Hard Processing System (SoC) and FPGA fabric on the Agilex 5 FPGA device family HPS-FPGA Interfaces Demos User Guide

Last update: August 7, 2024
Created: August 7, 2024