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Example Designs

The table below provides a comprehensive list of example designs.

  • Example Design column lists the type of example design available.
  • Supported Devices column indicates device on which the design has been verified. A listing of "All" means that this design can be run on any device family.
  • Embedded/Host Attach/Hostless column indicates if the design contains an Embedded Hard Processor System (HPS) or Nios® V as a host or if the design uses a server based host attach or no host (hostless).
  • Development Kit Target column lists development kits on which the design is tested.
  • Summary column provides a short description of the design.
  • Documentation column provides a link to corresponding user documentation.

You can use the filter fields to narrow your search.

Example Design Supported Device(s) Embedded/Host Attach/Hostless Development Kit Target Summary Documentation
Linux Golden System Reference Design (GSRD) Agilex 5 Embedded * Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit
* Agilex 5 E-Series Modular Development Kit
Provides instructions on how to test a basic HPS example with software on the development kit * Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit GSRD User Guide
* Agilex 5 E-Series Modular Development Kit GSRD User Guide
Zephyr Golden System Reference Design (GSRD) Agilex 5 Embedded Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit Provides instructions on how to test a basic HPS example with software on the development kit Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit Zephyr GSRD User Guide
Golden System Reference Design (GSRD) Simics Agilex 5 Embedded Agilex 5 E-Series Universal Virtual Platforms Provides instructions on how to exercise several use cases in which HPS software is running on the Intel Simics simulator using virtual platforms * Agilex™ 5 Intel Simics Virtual Platform Example User Guide - Linux GSRD
* Agilex™ 5 Intel Simics Virtual Platform Example User Guide - Zephyr GSRD
Golden Hardware Reference Design (GHRD) Boot Examples Agilex 5 Embedded * Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit
* Agilex 5 E-Series Modular Development Kit
Provides instructions on how to build Linux systems from separate components * Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit GHRD Linux Boot Examples
* Agilex 5 E-Series Modular Development Kit GHRD Linux Boot Examples
FPGA Remote Debug Example Agilex 5 Embedded Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit Provides an example of how to use the remote FPGA debug feature Agilex 5 FPGA Remote Debug Example
HPS Remote System Update Example Agilex 5 Embedded Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit Provides a complete Remote System Update example including build and execution Agilex 5 HPS Remote System Update Example
TSN HPS RGMII System Example Design Agilex 5 Embedded Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit Provides an example of a HPS system with support for Time-Sensitive Network (TSN) feature on HPS IO Agilex 5 TSN HPS RGMII System Example Design
TSN RGMII HVIO System Example Design Agilex 5 Embedded Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit Provides an example of a HPS system with support for Time-Sensitive Network (TSN) feature on FPGA IO (RGMII) Agilex 5 TSN HPS RGMII System Example Design
TSN SGMII XCVR System Example Design Agilex 5 Embedded Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit Provides an example of a HPS system with support for Time-Sensitive Network (TSN) feature on SGMII XCVR Agilex 5 TSN SGMII XCVR System Example Design
Golden System Reference Design (GSRD) Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex 7 F-Series FPGA Develpopment kit (P-Tiles & E-Tile) (DK-SI-AGF014EB and DK-SI-AGF014EA) Provides instructions on how to test a basic HPS example with software on the development kit Agilex 7 F-Series SoC Development Kit GSRD User Guide
Golden System Reference Design (GSRD) Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex 7 F-Series FPGA Develpopment kit (2x F-Tile) (K-DEV-AGF027F1ES and DK-DEV-AGF023FA) Provides instructions on how to test a basic HPS example with software on the development kit Agilex 7 F-Series FPGA Development Kit GSRD User Guide
Golden System Reference Design (GSRD) Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex 7 I-Series FPGA Development Kit (DK-SI-AGI027FB, DK-SI-AGI027FA, DK-SI-AGI027FC) Provides instructions on how to test a basic HPS example with software on the development kit Agilex 7 I-Series FPGA Development Kit GSRD User Guide
Golden System Reference Design (GSRD) Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex 7 M-Series HBM2e Development Kit (3x F-Tile & 1x R-Tile) (DK-DEV-AGM039FES) Provides instructions on how to test a basic HPS example with software on the development kit Agilex 7 M-Series HBM2e Development Kit GSRD User Guide
HPS eMMC Boot Example Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex 7 Transceiver-SoC Development Kit P-Tile E-Tile (DK-SI-AGF014EB) Provides an example of how to boot HPS from eMMC Agilex 7 HPS eMMC Boot Example
HPS Remote System Update Example Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex 7 Transceiver-SoC Development Kit P-Tile E-Tile Production Linear Power Solution (DK-SI-AGF014EB) Provides a complete Remote System Update example including build and execution Agilex 7 HPS Remote System Update Example
HPS Multi-QSPI Remote System Update Example Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex 7 Transceiver-SoC Development Kit P-Tile E-Tile Production Linear Power Solution (DK-SI-AGF014EB) Provides a complete Multi-QSPI Remote System Update example including build and execution Agilex 7 HPS Multi-QSPI Remote System Update Example
FPGA Remote Debug Example Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex 7 Transceiver-SoC Development Kit P-Tile E-Tile (DK-SI-AGF014EB) Provides an example of how to use the remote FPGA debug feature Agilex 7 FPGA Remote Debug Example
Fabric Configuration from Linux Example Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex 7 Transceiver-SoC Development Kit P-Tile E-Tile (DK-SI-AGF014EB) Provides an example of how to configure FPGA fabric from Linux Agilex 7 Fabric Configuration from Linux Example
Golden System Reference Design (GSRD) Stratix 10 Embedded Stratix 10 SX SoC Development Kit H-Tile (DK-SOC-1SSX-H-D) Provides instructions on how to test a basic HPS example with software on the development kit Stratix 10 SX SoC Development Kit GSRD User Guide
HPS eMMC Boot Example Stratix 10 Embedded Stratix 10 SX SoC Development Kit H-Tile (DK-SOC-1SSX-H-D) Provides an example of how to boot HPS from eMMC Stratix 10 HPS eMMC Boot Example
HPS Remote System Update Example Stratix 10 Embedded Stratix 10 SX SoC Development Kit H-Tile (DK-SOC-1SSX-H-D) Provides a complete Remote System Update example including build and execution Stratix 10 HPS Remote System Update Example
FPGA Remote Debug Example Stratix 10 Embedded Stratix 10 SX SoC Development Kit H-Tile (DK-SOC-1SSX-H-D) Provides an example of how to use the remote FPGA debug feature Stratix 10 FPGA Remote Debug Example
Fabric Configuration from Linux Example Stratix 10 Embedded Stratix 10 SX SoC Development Kit H-Tile (DK-SOC-1SSX-H-D) Provides an example of how to configure FPGA fabric from Linux Stratix 10 Fabric Configuration from Linux Example
Intel Agilex™ 7 FPGA M-Series Root Port System Reference Design Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex™ 7 FPGA M-Series Development Kit - HBM2e Edition (DK-DEV-AGM039FES) Provides an example of how to do the bootup and transactions to the PCIe End Point Agilex 7 PCIe Root Port User Guide
Linux Boot Example Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex™ 7 Transceiver-SoC Development kit P-Tile E-Tile production (DK-SI-AGF014EB) Provides example of building bootloaders to boot to Linux Agilex 7 GHRD Linux Boot Examples
Linux Boot Example Stratix 10 Embedded Intel Stratix 10 SX SoC Development Kit (DK-SOC-1SSX-H-D ) Provides example of building bootloaders to boot to Linux Stratix 10 GHRD Linux Boot Examples
Xen Hypervisor GSRD Agilex 7 Embedded Agilex 7 Transceiver-SoC Development Kit P-Tile E-Tile (DK-SI-AGF014EB) Provides example using Xen Hypervisor Agilex 7 Xen Hypervisor Example
Xen Hypervisor GSRD Agilex 5 Embedded Agilex 5 E-Series Premium Development Kit Provides example using Xen Hypervisor Agilex 5 Xen Hypervisor Example
Xen Hypervisor GSRD Agilex 5 Embedded Agilex 5 E-Series Modular Development Kit Provides example using Xen Hypervisor Agilex 5 Xen Hypervisor Example

Last update: March 5, 2025
Created: August 7, 2024