Zephyr GSRD
Agilex™ 5 E-Series devices provide the next generation HPS after those provided with the Agilex™® 7 and Stratix 10® SoC FPGA devices. The Agilex™ 5 E-Series HPS application processors can run Zephyr RTOS and Linux with scalable performance using from one to four Arm Cortex -A cores that allow for a wide range of applications. The Agilex™ 5 E-Series Simics virtual platform models the HPS processor with two Arm Cortex-A55 cores and two Arm Cortex-A76 cores along with the hard processor system (HPS) peripherals. The Agilex™ 5 E-Series HPS virtual platform is released as part of the Simics® Simulator for Agilex™ FPGAs software, which also includes several virtual platforms where the Agilex™ 5 E-Series device is instantiated, emulating the concept of having different versions of a development kit or daughter cards. The Agilex™ 5 E-Series has the following supported virtual platforms:
- Agilex™ 5 E-Series Virtual Platform - Universal
The following sections describe the prerequisites for the Simics simulator for Altera FPGA and the available virtual platforms including prebuilt Zephyr binaries. Instructions about how to build these binaries and run the Software stack are provided as well. Additionally, some common use cases that you can exercise with this Zephyr release are discussed.
To exercise the instructions presented on this page, the following prerequisites need to be satisfied:
- Host PC with Linux. The instructions on this page use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
- The following package versions are needed to build Zephyr binaries:
- cmake - 3.20.5
- python3 - 3.8
- dtc - 1.4.6
- The following packages are needed to be able to deploy the Simics project: GCC 6.3 compiler or higher, g++ 9.4 or higher, GNU make 4.1 or higher.
- Agilex™ 5 Simics Virtual Platform components are available to be deployed.
- Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Programmer and Tools 24.3 or later.
Note: For installation instructions for the Simics Simulator for Altera® FPGAs and the Agilex™ 5 E-Series virtual platforms, refer to the following documents:
Release Contents¶
Source Code¶
SW Component | Repository | Branch/tag |
ATF | https://github.com/altera-opensource/arm-trusted-firmware/ | socfpga_v2.11.0/QPDS24.3_REL_GSRD_PR |
Zephyr | https://github.com/altera-opensource/zephyr-socfpga/ | socfpga_rel_24.3/QPDS24.3_REL_GSRD_PR |
NOTE: For 24.3 release only QSPI Boot is supported. Regardless of this, we are providing instructions on how the binaries for SDCard and NAND boot are generated, but these has not been validated.
Prebuilt Binaries¶
Prebuilt binaries can be found at the following URL: https://releases.rocketboards.org/2024.11/zephyr/agilex5/hps_zephyr/. The prebuilt binaries consist of application programs built to run on the MPU cores in multicore configuration. There are binary files designed for boot devices such as SD cards, NAND flash, and QSPI. Additionally, files used by the recipes to create the binaries to boot from QSPI and NAND are provided in their respective folders. The sample applications provided are:
Directory | Application Description |
cli | Application to demonstrate Command Line Interface |
hello_world | Application that displays a Hello World! message |
NOTE: For 24.3 release only binaries for QSPI Boot are supported, so files for SDMMC and NAND are not provided.
Embedded Software Peripheral Zephyr Drivers Availability¶
HPS Peripheral | Supported |
SD Card driver | Partially |
GPIO Driver | Yes |
I2C Driver | Partially |
UART Driver | Yes |
Timer Driver | Yes |
WatchDog Driver | Yes |
SMP Driver | No |
QSPI Driver | Yes |
NAND Driver | Partially |
SDRAM Driver | Yes |
Ethernet Driver | Partially |
SPI Driver | Partially |
SDM Mailbox Driver | Yes |
USB 2.0 Driver | Partially |
HPS DMA Driver | Partially |
I3C driver | Partially |
EDAC/RAS drivers | No |
Boot Flow¶
Starting with this release the Arm Trusted Firmware will act as the FSBL and SSBL bootloader for Zephyr as described in the following diagram:
Agilex™ 5 Simics Virtual Platform¶
This virtual platform is associated with the agilex5e-universal.simics target script. The following figure shows a high-level block diagram of this virtual platform. In this diagram, we can observe the main components that can be exercised during the execution of the use cases described later on this page. The implementation of this virtual platform allows all the peripherals in the HPS to be enabled at the same time, which is not possible in physical hardware implementations. The pinmux and Combo PHY impose restrictions in physical hardware. In the case of the pinmux in physical hardware, only a subset of peripherals can be enabled at the same time because there are not enough pins if all pins are enabled simultaneously. This limitation does not exist in the Agilex 5 E-Series Universal Virtual Platform. For the Combo PHY, the physical hardware allows only one flash controller (NAND or SDMMC) to be enabled at one time. However, the virtual platform allows both to be enabled simultaneously.
The architecture of the virtual platform follows a hierarchy that goes from system -> board -> fpga -> hps, which is aligned with the Agilex™ 5 Simics virtual platform development philosophy that tries to match with the real hardware system architecture.
The target script instantiates the system component, provides the CLI run time commands and creates the network configuration. This script also defines the parameters that configure other components.
The system component represents the complete system of the virtual platform and instantiates the board component. This component is implemented in a Python file.
The board component represents the model of a PCB (analogous to a development kit). It includes the instance of the FPGA component and all board components connected to the FPGA (for example, flash device, ethernet PHY). The GPIO loopback connection is implemented here. This component is implemented in a Python file.
The FPGA component represents a model of the top-level FPGA design. The hierarchy matches the logical hierarchy of a hypothetical GHRD that the virtual platform models. This instantiates the HPS, the external memory interface IP, and the FPGA example design.
The embedded software running in this virtual platform is expected to be the same that could be run in the real silicon. Additionally, the ability to exercise the HPS embedded software in this virtual platform allows you to debug the software using the Simics® Simulator debug capabilities.
For more details about Intel Simics® Simulator please refer to: Linux Simics GSRD
Key points for Zephyr¶
The Zephyr GSRD requires a top-level target script that wraps the agilex5e-universal.simics and execute Simics commands to run Zephyr. The example of the file contents is shown below:
#Universal Zephyr simics Script.
local $board_name = "system.board.fpga"
# Ensure the sdimage.img & bl2.bin paths are relative to the simics executable#
# Enable Console
# Boot from SD Card
# SD Card boot Image file path
$sd_image_filename = ../sdcard_bin/sdimage.img
# First stage boot loader, ATF BL2 path
$fsbl_image_filename = ../sdcard_bin/bl2.bin
run-command-file "targets/agilex5e-universal/agilex5e-universal.simics"
In this script, the most relevant parameters to run Zephyr are the following:
Parameter | Description | Range | Default Value |
$sd_image_filename | Sdcard image path | Filename string | "" |
$fsbl_image_filename | Fsbl image path | Filename string | "" |
Using Prebuilt Binaries With Simics¶
The Zephyr GSRD requires a top-level target script that wraps the agilex5e-universal.simics and execute Simics commands to run Zephyr. The example of the file contents is shown below:
#Universal Zephyr simics Script.
local $board_name = "system.board.fpga"
# Ensure the sdimage.img & bl2.bin paths are relative to the simics executable#
# Enable Console
# Boot from SD Card
# SD Card boot Image file path
$sd_image_filename = ../sdcard_bin/sdimage.img
# First stage boot loader, ATF BL2 path
$fsbl_image_filename = ../sdcard_bin/bl2.bin
run-command-file "targets/agilex5e-universal/agilex5e-universal.simics" run
In this script, the most relevant parameters to run Zephyr are the following:
Parameter | Description | Range | Default Value |
$sd_image_filename | Sdcard image path | Filename string | "" |
$fsbl_image_filename | Fsbl image path | Filename string | "" |
Setting Up to Use Prebuilt Binaries¶
You will need both the boot image as well the firmware(ATF) binaries. The links below go directly to the directory with binaries corresponding to the application and boot device:
- Hello World:
- CLI:
The following are the helper instructions to download the prebuilt binaries according to the application and boot device:
This step assumes you have not created the folders as mentioned in Build Instructions or that you want to start afresh. It will remove any prior work! Skip to the next step to retain prior work. Create the !ZephyrGSRD directory.
Create a folder to contain the prebuilt binaries.
Specify sample application and boot device
- App
Application Environment Variable Hello World export app=hello_world CLI export app=cli
- Boot Device
Boot Device Environment Variable QSPI export bootdev=qspi_boot bin_dir=qspi_bin bootimg=flash_image_jic.rpd
- App
Get the prebuilt binaries into the prebuilt folder.
NOTE: At the moment of creating this page, the .jic file for the prebuild applications was not included in the official binaries release page, so in the example below we are using an alternate location in the meantime these binaries are uploaded. The temporary location of the page is https://www.rocketboards.org/foswiki/Projects/ZephyrPrebuildBinaries . The .rpd files were generated from the current available binaries from the official page following the instuctions at Creating Boot Images section.
cd $TOP_FOLDER/prebuilt
wget https://www.rocketboards.org/foswiki/pub/Projects/ZephyrPrebuildBinaries/ZephyrPrebuildBinaries24p3.tar
tar xf ZephyrPrebuildBinaries24p3.tar
The prebuilt samples for Agilex™ 5 would have the following structure: * prebuilt/hello_world * prebuilt/cli
Organizing the Prebuilt Binaries¶
If you've downloaded the prebuilt binaries manually, please place them in the following structure, then refer below to the step "To boot on Simics"...
If you've followed the helper steps above, follow the next instructions:
- Prepare the binaries to run on Simics® Simulator.
rm -rf $bin_dir
mkdir -p $bin_dir
ln -s $TOP_FOLDER/prebuilt/ZephyrPrebuildBinaries24p3/$app/$bootdev/$bootimg $bin_dir/$bootimg
ln -s $TOP_FOLDER/prebuilt/ZephyrPrebuildBinaries24p3/$app/$bootdev/bl2.bin $bin_dir/bl2.bin
- To boot on Simics, based on the boot device refer to the corresponding sections : Booting from SD Card Image binaries, Booting from NAND binaries and Booting from QSPI binaries.
Build Instructions¶
Setting up Environment¶
- Update your system
- Install all the required dependencies:
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends git cmake ninja-build gperf
ccache dfu-util device-tree-compiler wget
python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-tk python3-wheel python3-venv xz-utils file libpython3-dev
make gcc gcc-multilib g++-multilib libsdl2-dev libmagic1 libguestfs-tools libssl-dev
Package | Zephyr Requirement | Ubuntu 22.04 (default versions) | command |
cmake | 3.20.5 | 3.16.3 (upgrade required) | cmake --version |
python | 3.8 | 3.8.10 | python3 --version |
dtc | 1.4.6 | 1.5.0 | dtc --version |
- As a minimum CMake version 3.20.0 is required, if you have an older version, then execute the following commands to add a non-intrusive CMake binary:
mkdir -p $HOME/bin/cmake && cd $HOME/bin/cmake
wget https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v3.21.1/cmake-3.21.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
yes | sh cmake-3.21.1-Linux-x86_64.sh | cat
echo "export PATH=$PWD/cmake-3.21.1-linux-x86_64/bin:\$PATH" >> $HOME/.zephyrrc
- Load the profile that was created to use the newer cmake (this should be done for every session when Building Zephyr:
- Download the compiler toolchain. Define environment variables and append the toolchain path in the environment PATH variable. so the toolchain can be used to build the binaries:
wget https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu/11.3.rel1/binrel/arm-gnu-toolchain-11.3.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz
tar xf arm-gnu-toolchain-11.3.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz
rm -f arm-gnu-toolchain-11.3.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz
export PATH=`pwd`/arm-gnu-toolchain-11.3.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin:$PATH
echo "export PATH=`pwd`/arm-gnu-toolchain-11.3.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin:\$PATH" >> $TOP_FOLDER/.zephyrrc
Enable Quartus tools to be called from command line:
export QUARTUS_ROOTDIR=~/intelFPGA_pro/24.3/quartus/
Get SOF file from Hardware Design¶
In Simics, the SOF file generated as result of the build of the hardware design is not used at all in the simulation, but this is needed to create the RPD file to exercise the QSPI boot. This is the reason why we provide the steps to build the hardware desgin here.
rm ghrd_a5ed065bb32ae6sr0_hps.sof
wget https://releases.rocketboards.org/2024.11/gsrd/agilex5_dk_a5e065bb32aes1_gsrd/ghrd_a5ed065bb32ae6sr0_hps.sof
The following file is created:
- $TOP_FOLDER/agilex5_soc_devkit_ghrd/output_files/ghrd_a5ed065bb32ae6sr0_hps.sof
Building Arm Trusted Firmware¶
We will build 3 ATF sets of binaries: One for SDCard boot, other for NAND boot and other for QSPI boot.
Build ATF SDCard¶
- Clone the ATF repository from GitHub and build it
git clone -b QPDS24.3_REL_GSRD_PR https://github.com/altera-opensource/arm-trusted-firmware arm-trusted-firmware-sdcard
cd arm-trusted-firmware-sdcard
git switch -c test
make realclean
ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- make PLAT=agilex5 SOCFPGA_BOOT_SOURCE_SDMMC=1 bl2 bl31 PRELOADED_BL33_BASE=0x80100000 -j$(nproc)
- Build Fiptool to be able to create the sdimage in later steps.
The previous instructions will produce (in the $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware directory): - $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-sdcard/build/agilex5/release/bl2.bin - $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-sdcard/build/agilex5/release/bl31.bin - $TOP_FOLDER/fiptool
- Clone the ATF repository from GitHub and build it
git clone -b QPDS24.3_REL_GSRD_PR https://github.com/altera-opensource/arm-trusted-firmware arm-trusted-firmware-nand
cd arm-trusted-firmware-nand
wget https://releases.rocketboards.org/2023.12/zephyr/gsrd_zephyr/agilex5/cli/nand_boot/0001-plat-intel-soc-agilex5-enable-NAND-boot.patch
git apply 0001-plat-intel-soc-agilex5-enable-NAND-boot.patch
make realclean
ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- make PLAT=agilex5 SOCFPGA_BOOT_SOURCE_NAND=1 bl2 bl31 PRELOADED_BL33_BASE=0x80100000 -j$(nproc)
The previous instructions will produce (in the $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware directory): - $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-nand/build/agilex5/release/bl2.bin - $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-nand/build/agilex5/release/bl31.bin
- Clone the ATF repository from GitHub and build it
git clone -b QPDS24.3_REL_GSRD_PR https://github.com/altera-opensource/arm-trusted-firmware arm-trusted-firmware-qspi
cd arm-trusted-firmware-qspi
git switch -c test
make realclean
ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- make PLAT=agilex5 SOCFPGA_BOOT_SOURCE_QSPI=1 bl2 bl31 PRELOADED_BL33_BASE=0x80100000 -j$(nproc)
The previous instructions will produce (in the $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware directory): - $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-qspi/build/agilex5/release/bl2.bin - $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-qspi/build/agilex5/release/bl31.bin
Zephyr Build Environment Setup¶
- Create a new virtual environment and activate it
python3 -m venv ~/.zephyrproject/.venv
#Environment Activation
source ~/.zephyrproject/.venv/bin/activate
- Install west, pull the official Zephyr repository and other Zephyr dependencies:
pip3 install wheel
pip3 install west
west init -m https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr --mr v3.6-branch zephyrproject
cd $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject
west update
west zephyr-export
pip install -r $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject/zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt
Note: If you get a similar error like:
ERROR: sphinx-tabs 3.4.1 has requirement docutils~=0.18.0, but you'll have docutils 0.19 which is incompatible.
ERROR: sphinx-rtd-theme 1.2.2 has requirement docutils<0.19, but you'll have docutils 0.19 which is incompatible
- Install Zephyr SDK in home folder so it can be used on many Zephyr projects:
wget https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download/v0.16.4/zephyr-sdk-0.16.4_linux-x86_64.tar.xz
wget -O - https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download/v0.16.4/sha256.sum | shasum --check --ignore-missing
wget https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download/v0.16.1/zephyr-sdk-0.16.1_linux-x86_64.tar.xz
wget -O - https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download/v0.16.1/sha256.sum | shasum --check --ignore-missing
for file in zephyr-sdk*.tar.xz; do
tar xf "$file" -C ~/
rm zephyr-sdk*.tar.xz
$HOME/zephyr-sdk*/setup.sh -t aarch64-zephyr-elf -h -c
- Substitute the official "Zephyr" folder for zephyr-socfpga repository:
cd $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject
rm -rf zephyr
git clone -b QPDS24.3_REL_GSRD_PR --single-branch https://github.com/altera-opensource/zephyr-socfpga zephyr
west update
west zephyr-export
Building Zephyr Application¶
Every Zephyr application is composed of several configurable key components that work together in the same executable:
- Zephyr Kernel: Manages system resources and task scheduling.
- Device Drivers: Enable interaction with hardware peripherals.
- Libraries: Provide additional functionality and utilities.
- Application Code: Written in C to define application behavior
The following Zephyr sample applications are available to test:
- HelloWorld: samples/hello_world/
- GPIO: samples/basic/blinky/
- I2C: samples/drivers/i2c_fujitsu_fram/
- Timer/Counter: samples/drivers/counter/alarm/
- Watchdog: samples/drivers/watchdog/
- SD: samples/subsys/fs/fat_fs/
- UART: samples/drivers/uart/echo_bot/
- Ethernet: samples/net/sockets/echo_client and samples/net/sockets/ echo_server
- NAND: samples/drivers/soc_flash_nand/
- SPI: samples/drivers/jesd216/
- QSPI : samples/drivers/soc_flash_qspi/
- SDM Mailbox: sample/subsys/sip_svc/
- USB 2.0 Host: samples/subsys/fs/fat_fs/
- HPS DMA: samples/drivers/dma/mem_to_mem/
- I3C: samples/drivers/i3c_sample_app_simics/
In this regard, we will focus on building the "Hello World" sample that will allow us to test our development environment and run it in Simics® Simulator.
- Build the "Hello World" Zephyr application binary and place the built outputs in an "agilex5" directory in the current active directory.
cd $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject/zephyr
west build -b intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk samples/hello_world -d agilex5
Successful build console output should be similar to the following:
Zephyr version: 3.6.0 (/home/msangele/Artifacts/zephyr_samples/agilex5_zgsrd/zephyrproject/zephyr), build: f1571bf6e7e2
[134/144] Linking C executable zephyr/zephyr_pre0.elf
[138/144] Linking C executable zephyr/zephyr_pre1.elf
[144/144] Linking C executable zephyr/zephyr.elf
Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used
RAM: 134048 B 8 MB 1.60%
IDT_LIST: 0 GB 2 KB 0.00%
The output of this stage is:
- $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject/zephyr/agilex5/zephyr/zephyr.bin
Creating Boot Images¶
Three types of boot devices are supported:
SD Card Image binaries¶
- Create FIP(Firmware Image Package) binary. This will pack the Zephyr binary and ATF BL31 binary into one single binary called FIP binary.
mkdir sdcard_bin && cd sdcard_bin
cp $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-sdcard/build/agilex5/release/bl2.bin .
$TOP_FOLDER/fiptool create --soc-fw $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-sdcard/build/agilex5/release/bl31.bin --nt-fw $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject/zephyr/agilex5/zephyr/zephyr.bin fip.bin
To build the "SDCard Image" for simics use the following commands:
- Obtain the make_sdimage.sh script.
cd $TOP_FOLDER/sdcard_bin
wget https://releases.rocketboards.org/2023.12/zephyr/gsrd_zephyr/agilex5/cli/sdmmc_boot/make_sdimage.sh
chmod +x make_sdimage.sh
- Create the sdimage.img
To deactivate the environment when development is done execute:
Resulted Files¶
After the build is completed successfully the most relevant files are:
File | Description |
bl2.bin | The FSBL that Simics will launch first |
bl31.bin | The ATF BL31 (similar to legacy SSBL stage) |
zephyr.bin | Zephyr Application/Kernel |
fip.bin | Firmware Image Package |
sdimage.img | Application image |
If you have not set up Simics Virtual Platform for Agilex™ 5, go to Simulation Setup. For booting on Simics Virtual Platform for Agilex 5, refer Booting from SD Card Image binaries
NAND binaries¶
To build the "NAND Image" for simics use the following commands with the ATF created for NAND boot:
- Rebuild fip.bin with NAND ATF
mkdir nand_bin && cd nand_bin
cp $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-nand/build/agilex5/release/bl2.bin .
$TOP_FOLDER/fiptool create --soc-fw $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-nand/build/agilex5/release/bl31.bin --nt-fw $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject/zephyr/agilex5/zephyr/zephyr.bin fip.bin
- Create the nand_mem.img image and write the fip.bin within:
cd $TOP_FOLDER/nand_bin
dd if=/dev/zero count=8 bs=16MB | tr '\0' '\377' > nand_mem.img
dd if=fip.bin of=nand_mem.img conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=2097152
To deactivate the environment when development is done and return to the main branch execute:
Resulted Files¶
After the build is completed successfully the most relevant files are:
File | Description |
bl2.bin | The FSBL that Simics will launch first |
bl31.bin | The ATF BL31 (similar to legacy SSBL stage) |
zephyr.bin | Zephyr Application/Kernel |
fip.bin | Firmware Image Package |
nand_mem.img | NAND Application image |
If you have not set up Simics Virtual Platform for Agilex 5, go to Simulation Setup. For booting on Simics Virtual Platform for Agilex 5, refer Booting from NAND binaries
QSPI binaries¶
To build the "QSPI Image" for simics use the following commands using the ATF built for QSPI boot:
- Rebuild fip.bin
mkdir qspi_bin && cd qspi_bin
cp $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-qspi/build/agilex5/release/bl2.bin .
$TOP_FOLDER/fiptool create --soc-fw $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-qspi/build/agilex5/release/bl31.bin --nt-fw $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject/zephyr/agilex5/zephyr/zephyr.bin fip.bin
- Create pfg file:
cd $TOP_FOLDER/qspi_bin
tee qspi_flash_image_agilex5_boot.pfg << 'EOF'
<pfg version="1">
<settings custom_db_dir="./" mode="ASX4"/>
<output_file name="flash_image" directory="." type="JIC">
<secondary_file type="MAP" name="flash_image_jic">
<secondary_file type="SEC_RPD" name="flash_image_jic">
<file_options bitswap="1"/>
<bitstream id="Bitstream_1">
<path hps_path="bl2.hex">agilex5_factory.sof</path>
<raw_file bitswap="1" type="RBF" id="Raw_File_1">bin/fip.bin</raw_file>
<flash_device type="MT25QU02G" id="Flash_Device_1">
<partition reserved="1" fixed_s_addr="1" s_addr="0x00000000" e_addr="0x001FFFFF" fixed_e_addr="1" id="BOOT_INFO" size="0"/>
<partition reserved="0" fixed_s_addr="0" s_addr="auto" e_addr="auto" fixed_e_addr="0" id="P1" size="0"/>
<partition reserved="0" fixed_s_addr="0" s_addr="0x03C00000" e_addr="auto" fixed_e_addr="0" id="fip" size="0"/>
<assignment page="0" partition_id="P1">
<assignment page="0" partition_id="fip">
- Create bl2.hex from bl2.bin
cd $TOP_FOLDER/qspi_bin
aarch64-none-linux-gnu-objcopy -v -I binary -O ihex --change-addresses 0x00000000 bl2.bin bl2.hex
- Create flash_image_jic.rpd qspi image from fip.bin and bl2.hex:
cd $TOP_FOLDER/qspi_bin
ln -s $TOP_FOLDER/ghrd_a5ed065bb32ae6sr0_hps.sof agilex5_factory.sof
quartus_pfg -c qspi_flash_image_agilex5_boot.pfg
The output of this stage is: - flash_image_jic.rpd
To deactivate the environment when development is done and return to the main branch execute:
Resulted Files¶
After the build is completed successfully the most relevant files are:
File | Description |
bl2.bin | The FSBL that Simics will launch first |
bl2.hex | The FSBL in hex format |
bl31.bin | The ATF BL31 (similar to legacy SSBL stage) |
zephyr.bin | Zephyr Application/Kernel |
fip.bin | Firmware Image Package |
flash_image_jic.rpd | QSPI Application image |
If you have not set up Simics Virtual Platform for Agilex 5, go to Simulation Setup.
For booting on Simics Virtual Platform for Agilex 5, refer Booting from QSPI binaries
Simulation Setup¶
We assume that the Simics® Simulator for Intel® FPGAs Simulator has been installed in a Linux System.
- Lets add the Simics binary to the path to make things easier:
- Create a Simics project directory under ZephyrGSRD directory:
Under the new project directory created, deploy the agilex5e-universal virtual platform:
The above will produce the following:
Simics(R) Simulator for Intel(R) FPGA CLI:
INFO: Preparing to initialize /home/simicsUser/SimicsInstallDir/project-1 as a
Simics workspace
Project created successfully
# Observe that the directory has been initialized and the simics and simics-gui
# commands appears in the project directory. Also the target directory is
# created. This includes the target script corresponding to the deployed
# platform.
- Build the virtual platform components:
Example of console output:
=== Environment Check ===
'/home/simicsUser/SimicsInstallDir/project-1' is up-to date
gcc version 9
=== Building module agilex5e-universal-board-comp ===
=== Building module agilex5e-universal-fpga-comp ===
=== Building module agilex5e-universal-system-comp ===
Note: You only have to setup the Agilex 5 Virtual Platform once (or until it has been remove)
Booting On Simics Virtual Platform for Agilex 5¶
We assume that the following binaries are already available (either from the Prebuilt Binaries package or built from the steps in Build Instructions) : * bl2.bin * bl31.bin * zephyr.bin * sdimage.img /nand_mem.img / flash_image_jic.rpd
Booting from SD Card Image binaries¶
Zephyr's SMP support allow us to select the boot core within simics. Select the boot core as follows:
Core Selection Env-variable A55 export cputype=a55 A76 export cputype=a76
- You will need a Simics script named zephyr.simics with the contents detailed in Key points for Zephyr. Run the following to create the script:
cd $TOP_FOLDER/project-1
if [ $cputype = "a76" ]; then
cputypestring='$hps_boot_core = 2
$hps_core0_1_power_on = TRUE
$hps_core2_power_on = TRUE
$hps_core3_power_on = TRUE'
tee zephyr_sdcard.simics << 'EOF'
local $board_name = "system.board.fpga"
# Ensure the sdimage.img & bl2.bin paths are relative to the simics executable#
# Enable Console
# Boot from SD Card
# SD Card boot Image file path
$sd_image_filename = ../sdcard_bin/sdimage.img
# First stage boot loader, ATF BL2 path
$fsbl_image_filename = ../sdcard_bin/bl2.bin
echo "$cputypestring" >> zephyr_sdcard.simics
echo 'run-command-file "targets/agilex5e-universal/agilex5e-universal.simics"
run' >> zephyr_sdcard.simics
Booting from NAND binaries¶
Zephyr's SMP support allow us to select the boot core within simics. Select the boot core by as follows:
Core Selection Env-variable A55 export cputype=a55 A76 export cputype=a76
- You will need a Simics script modified for NAND named zephyr.simics. This will take Key points for Zephyr as base. Run the following to create the script:
cd $TOP_FOLDER/project-1
if [ $cputype = "a76" ]; then
cputypestring='$hps_boot_core = 2
$hps_core0_1_power_on = TRUE
$hps_core2_power_on = TRUE
$hps_core3_power_on = TRUE '
tee zephyr_nand.simics << 'EOF'
local $board_name = "system.board.fpga"
# Ensure the nand_mem.img & bl2.bin paths are relative to the simics executable
# First stage boot loader, ATF BL2 path
$fsbl_image_filename = ../nand_bin/bl2.bin
#Boot from NAND
$nand_data_image_filename = ../nand_bin/nand_mem.img
# Enable Console
echo "$cputypestring" >> zephyr_nand.simics
echo 'run-command-file "targets/agilex5e-universal/agilex5e-universal.simics"
run' >> zephyr_nand.simics
Booting from QSPI binaries¶
Zephyr's SMP support allow us to select the boot core within simics. Select the boot core as follows:
Core Selection Env-variable A55 export cputype=a55 A76 export cputype=a76
- You will need a Simics script modified for QSPI named zephyr.simics. This will take Key points for Zephyr as base. Run the following to create the script:
cd $TOP_FOLDER/project-1
if [ $cputype = "a76" ]; then
cputypestring='$hps_boot_core = 2
$hps_core0_1_power_on = TRUE
$hps_core2_power_on = TRUE
$hps_core3_power_on = TRUE '
tee zephyr_qspi.simics << 'EOF'
local $board_name = "system.board.fpga"
# Ensure the nand_mem.img & bl2.bin paths are relative to the simics executable
# First stage boot loader, ATF BL2 path
$fsbl_image_filename = ../qspi_bin/bl2.bin
#Boot from QSPI
$qspi_image_filename = ../qspi_bin/flash_image_jic.rpd
# Enable Console
echo "$cputypestring" >> zephyr_qspi.simics
echo 'run-command-file "targets/agilex5e-universal/agilex5e-universal.simics"
run' >> zephyr_qspi.simics
Running Hello World!¶
To exercise this use case, follow the next steps once the Simulation setup has been completed:
- From the project directory, launch the simulation using the zephyr.simics (a soft link to the desired .simics file) target script. This will launch the simulator and the current terminal will become the Simics CLI:
- Wait to get "Hello World!" message in the target serial console.
# Target Serial console</b>
NOTICE: DDR: Reset type is 'Power-On'
NOTICE: IOSSM: Calibration success status check...
NOTICE: IOSSM: All EMIF instances within the IO96 have calibrated successfully!
NOTICE: DDR: Calibration success
NOTICE: ###DDR:init success###
NOTICE: BL2: v2.11.0(release):QPDS24.3_REL_GSRD_PR
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 14:04:49, Dec 6 2024
NOTICE: BL2: Booting BL31
NOTICE: BL31: Boot Core = 0
NOTICE: BL31: v2.11.0(release):QPDS24.3_REL_GSRD_PR
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 14:04:50, Dec 6 2024
*** Booting Zephyr OS build b755e7bab5f8 ***
Secondary CPU core 1 (MPID:0x100) is up
Secondary CPU core 2 (MPID:0x200) is up
Secondary CPU core 3 (MPID:0x300) is up
Hello World! intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk
Use Cases¶
The following sections provide instructions on how to exercise some supported use cases through cli using the Intel Agilex® 5 E-Series Universal virtual platform. The compatible sample for Agilex™ 5 can be found at:
- {zephyrfolder}/samples/boards/intel_socfpga/cli
The preconditions required to execute them are listed in the following section. To use the application built following the Build Instructions, jump to Simulation_Setup.
Running Zephyr Command Line Application¶
To demonstrate the use of some Zephyr peripherals/zephyr subsystems it supports commands like:
- device: Device commands
- flash: Flash shell commands
- fs: File system commands
- gpio: GPIO commands
- i2c: I2C commands
- io96b: IO96B information
- mailbox: Altera SoC FPGA SDM mailbox client commands
- mdio: MDIO commands
- net: Networking commands
- psci: ARM PSCI interface commands
- sip_svc: ARM SiP services commands
- spi: spi commands
- timer: Timer commands
- i3c: I3C commands
CLI application - Prebuilt binaries¶
Note: The following steps assume you have followed the instructions in Setting Up to Use Prebuilt Binaries
- Select the sample based on app and boot device (e.g. nand):
- Obtain the prebuilt binaries for the CLI sample app
cd $TOP_FOLDER/prebuilt
wget -N https://releases.rocketboards.org/2024.11/zephyr/agilex5/hps_zephyr/$app/$bootdev/$bootimg -P $app/$bootdev/
wget -N https://releases.rocketboards.org/2024.11/zephyr/agilex5/hps_zephyr/$app/$bootdev/bl2.bin -P $app/$bootdev/
- Prepare the binaries to run on Simics® Simulator
rm -rf bin
mkdir -p bin/atf
ln -s $TOP_FOLDER/prebuilt/$app/$bootdev/$bootimg bin/
ln -s $TOP_FOLDER/prebuilt/$app/$bootdev/bl2.bin bin/atf/bl2.bin
To run the application, go to the section CLI application - Run
CLI application - Build-from-source¶
There is a sample specially made for Agilex™ E-Series that can be found at samples/boards/intel_socfpga/cli/ within the Zephyr folder. The following instructions show how to build and run:
cd $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject/zephyr/
west build -b intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk samples/boards/intel_socfpga/cli/ -d agilex5
#If you need to overwrite a previous build you need to add the --pristine flag as follows.
#west build -b intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk samples/boards/intel_socfpga/cli/ -d agilex5 --pristine
A. if you were using prebuilt binaries before this, perform this step: Organizing the Build-From-Source Binaries.
As the Zephyr application has been changed, you'll to create the bootable image according to the boot device you desire. Refer to Creating Boot Images
Run the application following CLI_application - Run.
CLI application - Run¶
Once this sample is ready, you can run it in the same way as the 'hello world' sample, as follows:
The following output and agilex5$ prompt will appear:
NOTICE: return = 0 Hz
NOTICE: mmc_clk = 200000000 Hz
NOTICE: BL2: v2.9.1(release):f0d41e37d
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 08:55:04, Nov 17 2023
NOTICE: BL2: Booting BL31
NOTICE: BL31: Boot Core = 0
NOTICE: BL31: CPU ID = 81000000
NOTICE: BL31: v2.9.1(release):f0d41e37d
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 08:55:08, Nov 17 2023
*** Booting Zephyr OS build 33d4a115fbed ***
agilex5$ Secondary CPU core 1 (MPID:0x100) is up
Secondary CPU core 2 (MPID:0x200) is up
Secondary CPU core 3 (MPID:0x300) is up
intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk: Starting Command Line Interface...
Enumeration started
USB enumeration success
At this point you can use the interactive command line and execute the following commands: - help -> Show all the available commands\ - fs -> To interact with file system for storage devices - gpio -> To interact with the gpio ports - i2c -> To send and receive data from the i2c ports - timer -> To interact with the timer interrupts.
agilex5$ help
You can try to call commands with <-h> or <--help> parameter for more information.
Available commands:
device :Device commands
edac :EDAC information
flash :Flash shell commands
fs :File system commands
gpio :GPIO commands
help :Prints the help message.
i2c :I2C commands
i3c :I3C commands
mailbox :Intel SoC FPGA SDM mailbox client commands
mdio :MDIO commands
net :Networking commands
psci :ARM PSCI interface commands
sip_svc :ARM SiP services commands
spi :spi commands
timer :Timer commands
Let's execute blink through the gpio command to demonstrate the usage of the CLI(Command line interface):
agilex5$ gpio help
gpio - GPIO commands
conf :Configure GPIO: conf <gpio_node_id> <pin> <mode(in/out)>
get :Get GPIO value: get <gpio_node_id> <pin>
set :Set GPIO: set <gpio_node_id> <pin> <value(0/1)>
blink :Blink GPIO: blink <gpio_node_id> <pin>
agilex5$ gpio conf gpio@10c03300 5 out
Configuring gpio@10c03300 pin 5
agilex5$ gpio blink gpio@10c03300 5
Blinking port gpio@10c03300 pin 5. Hit any key to exit
Note: GPIO port gpio@10c03200 pins 0 to 10 are used for sdcard boot and should not be used for other purposes.
Using I3C¶
This use case is an extension to the CLI application. The CLI prebuilt or build from source binary can be used directly for this use case.
The Zephyr driver enabled 2 I3C devices and 1 I2C device of the modeled board components and attached to the I3C master's bus. To test the I3C read and write operation to a device, set the inverted_loopback parameter to TRUE. This may be done in the zephyr.simics script.
- The 2 I3C device enabled have the PIDs 0xFB1122330001 and 0xFB1122330002. You'll have to enable inverted_loopback for the desired devices to read-back the write operation.
- Device #1: system.board.i3c0_device1.target->inverted_loopback=TRUE
- Device #2: system.board.i3c0_device2.target->inverted_loopback=TRUE
- The 1 I2C device has the address 0x50.
- The read-back values are inverted(by NOT bit-wise operation) at byte level. (E.g. write 0xAF -> read returns 0x50).
- For the first usage, the read FIFO will contain a 1-byte value of 0xF0 due to initialization (this is not a driver issue but the device model behaviour). Reads will flush the FIFO.
- When the FIFO is empty, a read-back will have a default 1-byte value of 0xA5. Data after the 1st byte are random constant value.
- For more details, refer to Intel Agilex® 5 E-Series Virtual Platform User Guide - I3C Device
Enable the (inverted)loopback in target simics script.
cd $TOP_FOLDER/project-1
sed -i '/^run$/i system.board.i3c0_device1.target->inverted_loopback=TRUE \
system.board.i3c0_device2.target->inverted_loopback=TRUE' zephyr.simics
If everything was done correctly we can execute "i3c" commands after running ./simics zephyr.simics as shown below:
- Perform a dummy i3c read for the first use after boot. This is to clear the data in the RX fifo resulting from CCC operation during driver initialization. The output seen will be 0xf0.
NOTICE: return = 0 Hz
NOTICE: mmc_clk = 200000000 Hz
NOTICE: BL2: v2.9.1(release):f0d41e37d
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 08:55:04, Nov 17 2023
NOTICE: BL2: Booting BL31
NOTICE: BL31: Boot Core = 0
NOTICE: BL31: CPU ID = 81000000
NOTICE: BL31: v2.9.1(release):f0d41e37d
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 08:55:08, Nov 17 2023
*** Booting Zephyr OS build 33d4a115fbed ***
agilex5$ Secondary CPU core 1 (MPID:0x100) is up
Secondary CPU core 2 (MPID:0x200) is up
Secondary CPU core 3 (MPID:0x300) is up
intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk: Starting Command Line Interface...
Enumeration started
USB enumeration success
agilex5$ %BLUE%i3c read i3c@10DA0000 0xfb11 0x22330001 0x1%ENDCOLOR%
Read 1 bytes from i3c device with address (9)
00000000: f0 |. |
- Perform i3c commands for write and read test to I3C device.
agilex5$ i3c write i3c@10DA0000 0xfb11 0x22330001 0xf0 0xca 0x14 0x52
To be Written data[0]: f0
To be Written data[1]: ca
To be Written data[2]: 14
To be Written data[3]: 52
Wrote 4 bytes: Device Dynamic address (9)
agilex5$ i3c read i3c@10DA0000 0xfb11 0x22330001 0x4
Read 4 bytes from i3c device with address (9)
00000000: 0f 35 eb ad |.5.. |
- Perform i3c commands for write and read test to I2C device.
agilex5$ i3c i2c_write i3c@10DA0000 0x50 0x08 0xb0 0x55 0xca 0xfe
agilex5$ i3c i2c_read i3c@10DA0000 0x50 0x08 0x4
00000000: b0 55 ca fe |.U.. |
Using USB 2.0¶
To test file operations We can load the USB 2.0 device model: "usb-msd.craff" in Simics.
- Download the USB2.0 model:
cd $TOP_FOLDER/project-1
wget https://releases.rocketboards.org/2023.12/zephyr/gsrd_zephyr/agilex5/cli/usb-msd.craff
Then we need to modify our current zephyr.simics script to provide: $usb_otg_image_filename parameter as follows:
If everything was done correctly we can execute "fs" commands after running =./simics zephyr.simics= as shown below:
NOTICE: return = 0 Hz
NOTICE: mmc_clk = 200000000 Hz
NOTICE: BL2: v2.9.1(release):6e6d72e35
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 08:50:06, Nov 17 2023
NOTICE: BL2: Booting BL31
NOTICE: BL31: Boot Core = 800
NOTICE: BL31: CPU ID = 81000200
NOTICE: BL31: v2.9.1(release):f0d41e37d
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 08:55:08, Nov 17 2023
*** Booting Zephyr OS build 33d4a115fbed ***
agilex5$ Secondary CPU core 1 (MPID:0x0) is up
Secondary CPU core 2 (MPID:0x100) is up
Secondary CPU core 3 (MPID:0x300) is up
intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk: Starting Command Line Interface...
Enumeration started
USB enumeration success
agilex5$ fs mount fat /USB2:
Successfully mounted fat fs:/USB2:
agilex5$ fs ls USB2:/
agilex5$ fs write USB2:/cafe.txt 0C 0A 0F 0F 0E
Successfully written 5 bytes
agilex5$ fs read USB2:/cafe.txt
File size: 5
00000000 0C 0A 0F 0F 0E …..
Successfully read 5 bytes
agilex5$ fs ls USB2:/
CAFE.TXT size: 5 bytes
Exercising Zephyr on a single core.¶
By default, SMP is enabled in Zephyr, and all the cores will be up and running. However, the user may choose the specific core on which the Zephyr application should run on a single core. This can be accomplished as follows:
Prebuilt Binaries for A55 and A76¶
To execute the binaries prebuilt for A76, change the "cputype" in the steps for Organizing the Prebuilt Binaries or CLI application - Prebuilt binaries
Build the Zephyr Application¶
The default build configuration targets the A55 core. The following steps will guide you in rebuilding the "Hello World" application for A76. It's assumed you have already followed the Build Instructions with default settings.
- Load the profile and activate the python virtual environment
- Pick either core0(a55) or core2(a76):
Core Selection | Env-variable |
A55 | export cputype=a55 |
A76 | export cputype=a76 |
- For demonstration purposes, we will create a new local branch so that we can revert to the default SMP configurations:
cd $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject/zephyr
git checkout QPDS24.3_REL_GSRD_PR
git branch nosmp_$cputype
git checkout nosmp_$cputype
- Modify the file in $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject/zephyr/dts/arm64/intel/intel_socfpga_agilex5.dtsi, to remove the rest of the cores:
if [ $cputype = "a55" ]; then
sed -i '27,46d' dts/arm64/intel/intel_socfpga_agilex5.dtsi;
sed -i '20,32d' dts/arm64/intel/intel_socfpga_agilex5.dtsi;
sed -i '28,33d' dts/arm64/intel/intel_socfpga_agilex5.dtsi;
For reference, the device tree should look like this:
13: #include <zephyr/dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
15: / {
16: cpus {
17: #address-cells = <1>;
18: #size-cells = <0>;
20: cpu@0 {
21: device_type = "cpu";
22: compatible = "arm,cortex-a55";
23: enable-method = "psci";
24: reg = <0>;
25: };
26: };
15: / {
16: cpus {
17: #address-cells = <1>;
18: #size-cells = <0>;
21: cpu@200 {
22: device_type = "cpu";
23: compatible = "arm,cortex-a76";
24: enable-method = "psci";
25: reg = <0>;
26: };
28: };
sed -i '/CONFIG_SMP/d' boards/arm64/intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk/intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk_defconfig
sed -i '/CONFIG_MP_MAX_NUM_CPUS/d' boards/arm64/intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk/intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk_defconfig
git commit -a -m "smpremove_$cputype"
- Re-build the "Hello World" sample.
Prepare the binaries to run on Simics® Simulator
a. Remove obsolete folder and create the new fip binary.
rm -rf sdcard_bin
mkdir sdcard_bin && cd sdcard_bin
$TOP_FOLDER/fiptool create --soc-fw $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware-sdcard/build/agilex5/release/bl31.bin --nt-fw $TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject/zephyr/agilex5/zephyr/zephyr.bin fip.bin
To create the boot image, we will use the creating SD Card Image binaries section as base. Refer back to Creating Boot Images to boot from other boot devices.
- Obtain the make_sdimage.sh script.
cd $TOP_FOLDER/sdcard_bin
wget https://releases.rocketboards.org/2023.12/zephyr/gsrd_zephyr/agilex5/cli/sdmmc_boot/make_sdimage.sh
chmod +x make_sdimage.sh
- Create the sdimage.img
touch dummy.tar.gz
sudo ./make_sdimage.sh -k dummy.tar.gz -p fip.bin -o sdimage.img -g 2G -pg 16</pre>
Note: To return to QPDS24.3_REL_GSRD_PR tag execute:
Simulation Setup¶
It is assumed you have executed the steps at least once in Simulation Setup with default settings.
- Lets add the Simics binary to the path to make things easier:
- Configure the Simics top-level target script to run on a single core by adding the following parameters before the run-command-file command:
$hps_core0_power_on = TRUE
$hps_core1_power_on = FALSE
$hps_core2_power_on = FALSE
$hps_core3_power_on = FALSE
$hps_boot_core = 2
$hps_core0_1_power_on = FALSE
$hps_core2_power_on = TRUE
$hps_core3_power_on = FALSE
This can be achieved by executing the following command:
cd $TOP_FOLDER/project-1
if [ $cputype = "a55" ]; then
cputypestring='$hps_boot_core = 0
$hps_core0_power_on = TRUE
$hps_core1_power_on = FALSE
$hps_core2_power_on = FALSE
$hps_core3_power_on = FALSE'
cputypestring='$hps_boot_core = 2
$hps_core0_1_power_on = FALSE
$hps_core2_power_on = TRUE
$hps_core3_power_on = FALSE'
tee zephyr_sdcard.simics << 'EOF'
local $board_name = "system.board.fpga"
# Ensure the sdimage.img & bl2.bin paths are relative to the simics executable#
# Enable Console
# Boot from SD Card
# SD Card boot Image file path
$sd_image_filename = ../sdcard_bin/sdimage.img
# First stage boot loader, ATF BL2 path
$fsbl_image_filename = ../arm-trusted-firmware-sdcard/build/agilex5/release/bl2.bin
echo "$cputypestring" >> zephyr_sdcard.simics
echo 'run-command-file "targets/agilex5e-universal/agilex5e-universal.simics"
run' >> zephyr_sdcard.simics
Note: We based our approach on the SDCard script. For NAND boot and QSPI options, refer to Booting from NAND binaries and Booting from QSPI binaries.
Running Hello World¶
- Run the hello world example:
- Wait to get "Hello World!" message in the target serial console.
NOTICE: return = 0 Hz
NOTICE: mmc_clk = 200000000 Hz
NOTICE: BL2: v2.9.1(release):QPDS23.4_REL_GSRD_PR
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 19:41:32, Dec 18 2023
NOTICE: BL2: Booting BL31
NOTICE: BL31: Boot Core = 800
NOTICE: BL31: CPU ID = 81000200
NOTICE: BL31: v2.9.1(release):QPDS23.4_REL_GSRD_PR
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 19:41:33, Dec 18 2023
*** Booting Zephyr OS build 33d4a115fbed ***
Hello World! intel_socfpga_agilex5_socdk
Configuration Reference¶
You may rebuild and run on Simics for the target core based on the following configuration:
Config file | A55 | A76 |
$TOP_FOLDER/zephyrproject/zephyr/dts/arm64/intel/intel_socfpga_agilex5.dtsi | At node cpu@0 : compatible = "arm,cortex-a75" reg = | At node cpu@0 : compatible = "arm,cortex-a76" reg = |
$TOP_FOLDER/project-1/zephyr.simics | $hps_boot_core = 0 | $hps_boot_core = 2 |
Notices & Disclaimers¶
Altera® Corporation technologies may require enabled hardware, software or service activation. No product or component can be absolutely secure. Performance varies by use, configuration and other factors. Your costs and results may vary. You may not use or facilitate the use of this document in connection with any infringement or other legal analysis concerning Altera or Intel products described herein. You agree to grant Altera Corporation a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to any patent claim thereafter drafted which includes subject matter disclosed herein. No license (express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise) to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document, with the sole exception that you may publish an unmodified copy. You may create software implementations based on this document and in compliance with the foregoing that are intended to execute on the Altera or Intel product(s) referenced in this document. No rights are granted to create modifications or derivatives of this document. The products described may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Altera disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as any warranty arising from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage in trade. You are responsible for safety of the overall system, including compliance with applicable safety-related requirements or standards. © Altera Corporation. Altera, the Altera logo, and other Altera marks are trademarks of Altera Corporation. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
OpenCL* and the OpenCL* logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. used by permission of the Khronos Group™.
Created: August 7, 2024