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Baremetal Drivers


This page presents the pre-release of the Agilex 5 baremetal drivers. The purpose of the drivers is to provide developers with access to the low-level functionality of the HPS IP blocks, including the ability to access IP registers. The drivers are provided through the following git repository: and are released under the MIT License.


Majority of validation for this pre-release was done on the Intel Simics Simulator for Intel FPGAs.


The following demo is provided:

Driver List

Name Documentation Source
Clock Manager clkmgr clkmgr
Combophy for SDMMC combophy combophy
DMA dma dma
GIC gic gic
General Purpose IO gpio gpio
HPS Mailbox to SDM hps_mailbox hps_mailbox
I2C i2c i2c
I3C i3c i3c
MMU mmu mmu
Reset Manager rstmgr rstmgr
SDMMC sdmmc sdmmc
SPI spi spi
System Manager sysmgr sysmgr
Timers timer timer
UART uart uart
Watchdog Timers watchdog watchdog

Last update: February 11, 2025
Created: May 25, 2024