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Drive-On-Chip with Functional Safety Design Example for Agilex™ 5 Devices

Compiling the project using a MDT QAR file

  • Download the relevant design .qar file for your development kit and power board from link/repository.
  • Double click in the .qar file or alternatively use Quartus® command line to open it:
      quartus <MDT_QAR_NAME>.qar

    The contents of the .qar file open into the working directory. The design example has the following directory structure.


    QAR file content.

    Note: This QAR file was generated using the "Modular Design Toolkit" flow.

    QAR and Project Directory Structure.

    Directory Description
    assets Contains base files to run the example design derived from the hardware compilation.
    non_qpds_ip Contains the source code (RTL) of the design’s custom IP that is not part of Quartus® Prime.
    quartus Contains the base files for the Quartus® Project including the top.qpf, top.qsf.
    rtl Contains the sources files to build the project.
    scripts Contains a collection of TCL scripts from "Modular Design Toolkit" to build and compile the design software and hardware.
    sdc Contains the .sdc files for the subsystems to compile the project.
    software Contains all the files for building the application for the Nios V and/or HPS. Look for the app.elf binary or *_cpu_ram_cpu_ram.hex that is included in the SOF

  • Navigate to <project>/quartus/ and open the top.qpf file either by double clicking on it or using the command:
    quartus top.qpf
  • To generate the .sof file, click on "Processing -> Start Compilation Ctrl+L" or simply press the "Start Compilation" icon in the Quartus® Prime Pro GUI.


Quartus® Prime Pro compilation flow.

Wait for the compilation to finish. The .sof file should be located in the <project>/quartus/output_files directory. Follow the steps generate the RBF/JIC file using the .sof file and the u-boot-spl-dtb.hex file.

Note: it si recommended to generate any embedded software images that are included in the .sof file before compiling, i.e NiosV software.

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Compiling and Building the NiosV application and BSP

Before rebuilding the BSP, ensure that the settings.bsp file correctly generates. To generate BSP, use command line and niosv-bsp command.

The design includes an initial version of settings.bsp that contains parameters to run the design. If you modify the Platform Designer's hardware, ensure you keep the integrity of the settings.bsp file.

  • After changing the settings.bsp file, compile the application and generate the BSP with the command:

      cd <project>/software/*niosv_subsystem*

Running make takes an existing template settings.bsp file and creates a new one based on it for the current project. It updates locations of project then builds the .bsp and the NiosV application. See the provided makefile and CMakeList.txt files for more details in about the software build. The app.elf file is in <project>/software/*niosv_subsystem*/build/bin

If necessary, compile the hardware again to update the .sof file, so it contains the new binaries (.hex) for memory initialization (<project>/software/*niosv_subsystem*/build/bin/mem_init).

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Creating the QSPI Flash and SD card configuration bitstreams for the board

Create phase 1 and phase 2 configuration bitstreams for "HPS First" Flow

Follow these steps if the "HPS init" property for the hps_subsystem in the XML is set to "HPS FIRST". You can check this property by executing the following Quartus® command and the "\*.sof" file. For example:

quartus_pfg -i top.sof

In the log, look for the property "HPS/FPGA configuration order" SET TO "HPS_FIRST"


HPS First SOF file.

Important! The following step depends on the output of u-boot compilation specifically the file u-boot-spl-dtb.hex. To generate the pair top.core.rbf and top.hps.jic for Agilex™ 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Modular Development Kit execute:

quartus_pfg -c top.sof top.jic \
  -o device=MT25QU02G \
  -o flash_loader=A5ED065BB32AE6SR0 \
  -o hps_path=u-boot-spl-dtb.hex \
  -o mode=ASX4 \
  -o hps=1

Create phase 1 and phase 2 configuration bitstream for "FPGA First" Flow

Follow these steps if the "HPS init" property for the hps_subsystem in the XML is set to "AFTER INIT_DONE". You can check this property by executing the following Quartus® command and the "\*.sof" file. For example:

quartus_pfg -i top.sof

In the log, look for the property "HPS/FPGA configuration order" SET TO "AFTER INIT_DONE"


FPGA First SOF file.

Important! The following step depends on the output of u-boot compilation specifically the file u-boot-spl-dtb.hex. To generate the top.jic for Agilex™ 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Modular Development Kit execute:

quartus_pfg -c top.sof top.jic \
  -o device=MT25QU02G \
  -o flash_loader=A5ED065BB32AE6SR0 
  -o hps_path=u-boot-spl-dtb.hex \
  -o mode=ASX4 \

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Last update: March 6, 2025
Created: March 6, 2025